About Us

The Las Vegas Board Game Association Mission Statement

The mission of the Las Vegas Board Game Association is to create and promote a welcoming community for board gamers of all experience levels in the Las Vegas area. We are dedicated to providing opportunities for members to build relationships with other gamers, learn new games, and share their love for this hobby. By fostering an inclusive environment that values diversity and encourages respect, we seek to inspire a lifelong passion for board games and their ability to bring people together. 

Wayne Schulatz

Wayne is a retired teacher who has been playing board and role playing games since he was a child. In 2022, RJ introduced him to Blood on the Clocktower and he hasn’t looked back. Every day since his first play, he has read, listened, played, or worked on something Clocktower related. Every. Single. Day. (He swears it’s not a problem and he could quit at any time.) Wayne is looking forward to the Las Vegas Clocktower Con because he wants to spread his love for the game, build community, and create a memorable experience for all in attendance. 

RJ Rubinstein

RJ has been a fan of puzzles and riddles ever since childhood, and Blood on the Clocktower hooked him immediately. Introduced to BotC in the summer of 2022, he has played and storytold for both on-line and in-person games ever since. You’ll find him attempting to build and sell worlds whether good, evil, or the storyteller. The game and community around the game has had a very positive impact on him, and he wants to facilitate the same experience for others through hosting the Las Vegas Clocktower Con. 

Joe Montayre

Joe is a devoted board game enthusiast who discovered Blood on the Clocktower through a review by Shut Up & Sit Down in 2019. Hooked on the game's concept even before playing it, Joe immersed themselves in the online community, listening to numerous game sessions. Eventually, overcoming their shyness, they joined an online game. After that, everyday was consumed with Clocktower. Joe joined the Fabulous Sin City Board Game Club in 2021, an amazing group of people and in June 2022, introduced Blood on the Clocktower to the group. From that point on, Joe's love for Blood on the Clocktower and the tight-knit community surrounding it has only grown. Joe actively participates both online and offline, cherishing the new friendships and camaraderie and embracing their role as an advocate by introducing new players to the game and spreading the joy it brings. 


Thanks to the following people and groups for their invaluable advice, support, and help to make this convention a reality:

The Team at DC Clocktower Con

The Fabulous Sin City Board Game Club

Edd Gabriel and The TPI team